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Tuesday, November 21, 2017

When Autumn Comes...

Autumn is finally here again and I find myself surrounded by images of dazzling displays of Mother Nature's finest work.  I love autumn.  It's my favorite season.  The temperatures (finally) begin a slow decent that takes us from a sweltering steamy stewing in a crock pot to something far more tolerable.

I hate the heat.  In small doses, like at the beach for a day or a barbecue on July 4th, summertime is a blast.  But month after month of constantly oppressive heat hovering at 100 degrees Fahrenheit is not for me.  So it's rather ironic that I live in Texas.  We have, it seems, only two seasons: hot and damn hot.  It's insane.

I'm not originally from Texas.  I moved around my entire life as a military brat and spent most of my childhood in New York and northern Japan.  Heat waves were rare and overall the weather was generally pleasant all year.  Harsh winters and the blizzard now and then were fun, at least as a child.  I mean what child doesn't like a snow day or two?  I'm not a huge fan of freezing cold. I've always said that I can always put on more layers to keep warm but I can only take off so much to stay cool before the police stop by to say hello.

I think autumn gets a bad rap at times.  Jokes about pumpkin spice lattes start filling my social media and they are usually targeted at women.  I know plenty of guys who drink them!  And yes, I do also.  I love them.  I enjoy almost everything about autumn.  Almost everything.

I don't like when my doorstep pumpkins rot.  I'm certainly not a fan of raking leaves.  I get upset when my favorite autumn fashions are still in my closet since the weather outside didn't get the memo that summer is over!  Much like Olaf and his own flurry, I wouldn't mind my own little bubble of autumn scented magic following me everywhere.

So here's to autumn and all it brings.  The corn mazes and pumpkin patches.  The spiced lattes and scones.  I just wish that the vibrant colors of autumn weren't just pictures.  Texas autumn isn't like New England's.

Monday, November 20, 2017

A Right Turn in Wrong Direction

Raise your hand if you have ever wanted to start a blog, or if you have one, or if your blog has died.
I have attempted blogging several times and on several topics.  My attempts have never really panned out and I never had any following.  I shut them down a few short months after typing up similar "welcome to my blog" posts just as this one here.

It's not that I don't have much to say.  Quite the contrary.  People who know me say I have an opinion on everything and I oftentimes voice my opinion in very energetic ways.  I've generally been reserved in my blogging and erred on the side of cautious brevity for subjects that I am very passionate about.
I was worried that I would drive my zero readers away with my random musings on random bits of news or events or books that I found interesting.  I was not keen on the idea of exposing myself online nor was I ready to subject myself to random abuse on the Internet.

But I've come to a crossroads in my life.  One where I have been once before.  Years ago I turned left when I should have turned right.  Now I am ready to journey down that other path in life where it diverged in those woods so long ago.  I hope you'll stay.  Be well if you choose otherwise.
This will most likely be a blog about many things.  Things that interest me such as books and crafts, computers and gaming, a bit perhaps about foods or coffee or tea.  I may talk politics or social issues or I might even write some poetry or free verse.  I can't really say for certain.

What I am certain of is that there will be typos and grammar errors.  For those I will ask your forgiveness.  All thoughts and opinions that I present here are my own and not my employer's.  Comments are the sole responsibility of the person who wrote them.  There is no warranty expressed or implied for any products,services, or advice offered herein.