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Sunday, March 18, 2018

The Programmer's Dilemma

It's been a long while since I did any coding in the Linux kernel.  I was never a contributor to the kernel.  I never pushed any patches.  I did, however, enjoy the simple changes I made to the code that I ran on my sandbox server.  This was way back around the 0.99 days.  These journeys into the Linux kernel were brought on mostly for "academic exercise" while brute-forcing through my operating systems class in college many years ago.  I was successful at building that kernel.  It loaded with the simple boot loader that I wrote in assembly language and C.  I put a notch on my keyboard and checked off two items on my nerdy bucket list.  I never got more involved in kernel programming beyond these initial steps.

As you might know from previous posts, I am not a professional programmer any longer.  That was many many years ago.  When I switched from programming to systems administration I found that, over the years, my programming skills began to fade.  At one point I was rather good at C and was growing more functionally competent with C++.  Occasionally I would sit back and wish that I had stayed with programming.

When I started getting back into programming I found that, although going back to basics wasn't entirely necessary, I needed a refresher in how certain things worked.  Pointers had become rusty and function references were now as foreign to me as the surface of Mars.  I took to task going over each and every page of the C++ Reference which served as an excellent catch up tool.

I then jumped head first into the waters of game engine design.  And drowned almost immediately.

I had forgotten Rule 1 of learning programming.  Stay in the shallows until you learn to swim.

As much as I wanted to write my pet project game engine I realized that I absolutely had to start smaller.  The years away from formal programming had taken their toll and I was no longer able to "think like a programmer".

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